Impressionism Movement and Impressionist Paintings

Impressionism Movement and Impressionist Paintings



Impressionism is an art movement born in France in the 19th century. It comes from the word ‘Impression’. The famous French painter Claude Monet called the impression of a painting showing the motion of the sun over the sea. A French journalist who saw the painting as it was being exhibited at a show in Paris in May 1874 made this statement a public expression. Later, the works of the painters of novelty began to be referred to as “impressionist”.


Among the premises of Impressionism are Edouard Manet, Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Pisarro, Sisley, Paul Cezanne, Guillaume and Berthe Morisot. Impressionism, which became widespread in 1870, began to lose its former importance after 1880. Each of the Impressionist painters was now on their own way. In 1886 the impressionists opened their 8th exhibition, after which the period of impressionism closed.


In Impressionism, the painter had to work without paying attention to the subject. Although the work of this period painters does not require a specific subject, it is seen that impressionist painters attach great importance to subjects like big city view, countryside, sea-side dining. Innovative artists have developed a tradition of painting in the open air in the countryside. The colors used by the painters of the classical period have also taken on the edge, giving importance to the bright colors of nature. Although the landscape paintings of these painters do not resemble the real view, the colors they used were taken from the nature itself. The impressionist painters did not directly address the audience. They wanted to awaken some lines of consciousness. The shapes obtained with the free brush strokes appealed to the looser rather than the eye.


Impressionist Painters


Among the painters embracing the Impressionism are Van Gogh, Georges Seurat, Paul Gauguin, Camille Corot, Edgar Degas, Pierre Bonnard, John Joseph Enneking, Charles Ebert, Lovis Corinth, William Merritt Chase, Paul Cezanne, Mary Cassatt, Emil Carlsen, Gustave Caillebotte, Georg Hendrik Breitner, Carlo Brancaccio, Eugen Boudin, Jean Beraud, James Carroll Beckwith, Camille Pissarro, Frederic Bazille, Henri de Touluse Loutrec, Harriet Backer, Alfred Sisley.



Labels: art movement
December 18, 2019
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